Backgrounder - Thunderstorms

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The media can raise awareness about thunderstorms and lightning by providing important information to the community. Here are some suggestions.

The details..

Thunderstorms can bring heavy rain, strong winds, hail, lightning, and tornadoes. In a severe thunderstorm, it is important to get inside a sturdy building and stay tuned to weather updates. Lightning is one of the major threats during a thunderstorm; in fact between 75-100 Americans are killed by lightning each year in the United States alone. This book debunks common myths about lightning strikes such as 'lightning never strikes twice' while providing practical advice on what you should do if caught outdoors.

The book goes into detail explaining what exactly causes a thunderstorm - moisture combined with rapidly rising warm air that meets forces capable of lifting air like cold fronts or sea breezes. Thunderstorms may occur singly or in clusters which means several storms could affect one location within hours causing significant damage. The author also explains how large hail results in nearly $1 billion worth of property damage annually.

This guide offers suggestions on raising awareness about thunderstorms through local media outlets such as publishing special sections with emergency information about what people should do when they're caught outside during these natural disasters. It's suggested that meteorologists speak directly to elementary schools and youth groups so children understand the dangers associated with this type of weather phenomenon.

Finally, readers will learn more interesting facts related to this topic such as how straight-line winds exceeding 100 mph cause most storm damage rather than actual tornados themselves! Additionally we discover that financial aid is an immediate need for disaster victims after experiencing extreme weather conditions.

Resource Info

Page count: 2
Size: 105kb
File Type: pdf
Hits: 1


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available